Start Every Morning With An Attitude of Gratitude
The benefits of starting your day with the feelings of Abundance & Gratitude are scientifically PROVEN (as if we need scientific proof that gratitude is good for us!) to give an array of benefits including:
- Stronger immune systems
- Lowering blood pressure
- Increase levels of positive emotions: joy, optimism, and happiness
- And leaves people to act with more generosity and compassion
This short morning gratitude booster is designed to help you to flood your body with feelings of gratitude and insights that enliven you & set you up for an AWESOME day.
Simply RIGHT CLICK on the large download link to the right. Depending on your browser, choose: ‘Save Target As…’ , ‘Save Link As…’ or ‘Download Linked File As…’. You can then save your Mp3 on your computer.
Download your Morning Gratitude Booster, take 3 minutes and listen to it each morning.
Do this for a week or two and notice the changes in you because of focusing on abundance and gratitude each and every morning.
If you’re grateful for this leave me a comment below, I really like them
Comment Below & Share What You Are Grateful For
Select “Save Link As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer
Select “Save Link As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer
Select “Download Linked File As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer
Internet Explorer
Select “Save Target As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer
April 26, 2021So much I’m grateful for…. That includes you for the work you do. Thank you!
November 1, 2020I think that wellbeing achieved through meditation and peaceful mind will generate automatically gratitude.
Thank you very much for wonderful meditations.
July 28, 2020Thank you. I am grateful to you for making me feel gratitude towards people who love me.
Michelle Napier
June 23, 2019Bless you im struggling and been prying for help.thank you much much
April 22, 2019Wow! My every cell felt so much gratitude
it has very nicely done and it is effective. Thank you so much !!!
Diane Briere
December 20, 2018Sweetheart Thankyou for caring I appreciate it
November 17, 2018Thank You John, thank you thank you.
Always so generous and abundant.Yo have helped me so much, for nothing in return.
You are an example to follow.
All the best
October 7, 2018Thank you I’m grateful for this
October 7, 2018great, great, thank you.
October 7, 2018this short meditation is simple, brilliant and effective. I adore it! (and grateful for it)
October 7, 2018Love your work. Grateful for this too…………………..
June 7, 2018Thank you for the Spiritual uplift. I have a lot of things that I am grateful for. “Life”
John Vincent
June 7, 2018Thank you Kathleen, glad you enjoyed it
3 minutes at the beginning of the day… goes a long way 
October 12, 2014This made me smile from the inside out. Thank you for the inspiration!
October 6, 2014Thank you John. I am in deed grateful for all you continue to do to fill our hearts with divine love. Thank you!
October 1, 2014i have no words .only say big thankyou.god bless you
August 29, 2014Thank you! What an awesome gift you have shared with us.
August 29, 2014I cannot wait to start this process. Feeling grateful and blessed! Thank you for the encouragement
August 25, 2014Thanks for sharing this reminder of how important it is to start the day on a positive note.
September 9, 2013John, THANK YOU.
I love your generosity, this is another gem.
Thanks again
Stacy x