Peak Power Hypnosis 


“Fall Into Deep Sleep In Minutes & Wake Up to Peak Mental Performance, without needing Drugs or expensive Treatments, using our Ground Breaking Trypnosis™ Audio Technology - the core of our Unique Transformational System

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You are about to Discover the Most Powerful New Life Hacks for
Peak Performance of Mind, Body & Soul


Evaporate stress, drift off into deep restorative sleep, lose weight, get fit & have more energy to get things done


Pursue any goal you want, banish fears like public speaking, self-belief or approaching new people, etc


Ignite your creative spark, become inspired. Write that bestselling book, or think up that world changing idea


Take efficient action, have a razor like focus and become ultra productive from the moment you wake up


Eliminate bad habits, or phobias like fear of flying. Instead develop your empowered success habits

Experience Deep Relaxation, Eliminate Stress and Wake up to Peak Power Performance in FIVE Core Areas of Your Life

Get Started Now for Just a One-Time Payment of Only $197 Just $47 Today

Get Started Now60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Way back in 2012 I was looking for some Meditation Music…

Out of all the music I found there was one special type of music that stood out… head and shoulders above the rest.

That music was called: Trypnaural, created by Niraj Naik.

As soon as I heard it I knew the potential of such well engineered brainwave entrainment and music.

Something inside of me said reach out and connect with this person… and I could NEVER have guessed where that would lead.

After a series of impossible synchronistic events, adventures and coincidences we decided to create a Healing Mental Restorative that we were to call: MIND RESTORE

We went deep studying the habits and behaviours of some of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, artists, and peak performers to create the very best system for peak performance.

From Our Research We Discovered...

Hypnosis with subtle acoustic stereo mixing for subliminal programming effects, is far superior to just using plain standard hypnosis recordings.

And, Brainwave Entrainment in the form of Isochronic Tones is the perfect solution for relaxing into deep hypnotic sessions and then drifting into sleep without the use of headphones. 

A couple of months later we were relaxing in a hydrotherapy pool at the spa when Niraj told me he’d just been invited to perform at a special conference at the cutting edge of Spirituality and Science…

And he wanted me to come along.

The event was in just 7 days time… and it was in India.

He was leaving in 4 days… So did I.

Fast-tracking a Visa for India (it arrived the day we flew), we got on the plane and Niraj who could never sleep on a plane went out light listening to our Brand New creation, Mind Restore.   

We landed in Bengaluru, ready to make the trip into the Jungle…

This was exciting. It was here that we were going to put our new method to the test. During this extraordinary event at the world's largest Meditation Pyramid… at the: 6th Global Congress of Spiritual Masters.

Our New Method for Mind Transformation Was Put to the Test…

Using special aura monitors, Electroencephalography (EEG) machines and other brainwave monitoring equipment the scientists recorded significant increases in positive healing energies, aura change and increased mental activity associated with Peak Mental Performance after our performance at the congress.

Wow! We knew we were onto something and this convinced us to put our breakthrough technology into a step-by-step system that would create massive and lasting transformation.

What really blew me away was there were many Advanced Meditators and Spiritual Masters, as you may expect in India, especially at such an esteemed gathering of spiritual scientists...

Many of whom said that the combination of our unique Hypnosis and Trypnaural music took them to levels of consciousness that they had never experienced before.

Thats when we named it Trypnosis. When we returned to the UK we released Mind Restore to our clients and had an incredible response.

Over the next 7 months we worked hard to create:

“What I Believe in my Personal Experience is the Most Powerful ‘Perfect Life’ Getting System of its Kind” Niraj Naik

“A perfect union of sonic perfection and effortless neurological mind reprogramming for creating the lifestyle you want” John Vincent

But Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

“I have been using it (Peak Power Hypnosis) on and off consistently for almost a year now and love what you do! Your meditations have shifted my life into a whole new level of being! Grateful!:)” Crystal Davis, Life, Business & Dream Builder Coach

"Ummmm. WOW! Deep was an understatement." Jole Echel

“I am finding my perceptions – of both the outer world and the inner world of my thoughts – are changing. I am also happier . . . how much is that worth? 

IMHO, John has the best hypnosis audios I have heard – by far. And I have purchased a lot of hypnosis and NLP audios. Niraj’s [brainwave meditation] music is powerful and sublime. Together, they have something very special.” Jim Long 

We Were Completely Blown Away!

The full system was complete, the weather in the UK had turned and we found ourselves back at the Pyramid in India for an impromptu 11 days of meditation, mind reprogramming and research at the state-of-the-art meditation lab there.

In the jungle at the Pyramid we borrowed the only internet connection and launched Peak Power Hypnosis

Our clients, newsletter, blog and youtube channel subscribers all LOVED IT.

The feedback we got was off the charts! We knew the system was good, but neither of us had expected the Massive response we got…

and the ‘miracle’ like results some people were telling us about.

This inspired us to release it to the rest of the World. Once again we were completely Blown Away!

While I was assisting at Dr Richard Bandler’s NLP Master Practitioner Seminar in London, Peak Power Hypnosis was launched… and made over 2000 sales in the first weekend alone!

Since then almost 100 Thousand People have benefited from the transformational, healing, peak performance results of: Peak Power Hypnosis.

Now it’s your turn.

Version 2.0 Refined and Streamlined for 2018


Step 1 - Prepare Your Conscious Mind For Change

Conscious Mind Primer

This session is designed to prepare your conscious mind to allow your unconscious to be reprogrammed for the Key Success Habits that make up the core components of the Peak Power Hypnosis program:

1. Rest + Sleep

2. Supreme Self Confidence

3. Infinite Creativity

4. Efficient Action

5. Empowered Habits

Imagine your unconscious mind is the hard disk of a bio-computer with its own operating system and software that runs your current life.

Your unconscious mind is irrational and deals with habitual behaviours. It cannot distinguish from negative or positive, it just replays programs (habits) loaded into it since you were born.

Your conscious mind deals with rational decision making, it also acts like a filter for all the noise and information that bombards you all day long from your environment.

How Negative Information is Getting Through Your Safety Nets and into Your Unconscious Mind...

Your conscious mind hates multi-tasking and it prefers doing one activity at a time. Under stress and when forced to multitask, as many of us have to in these hectic modern times, its ability to protect your unconscious mind from negative information is disrupted.

Sleight of hand magicians and stage hypnotists take advantage of this fact when they distract their subjects and bypass the rational conscious mind planting suggestions into the unconscious mind.

When used right, your conscious mind is a powerful tool in getting the life you want. When you learn to take control of your conscious mind you can write positive programs into your unconscious mind that form new Empowered Habits.

Step One is: The Conscious Mind Primer. A powerful 22 minute session designed to speak directly to your conscious mind and prepare it for transformations ahead.

How Does Your Mind Work?

Your mind has been shown scientifically to operate at different brainwaves or trance states.

The Alpha brainwave is the most natural human brain state but there are more ....

Every brainwave causes people to act differently, for example the Gamma brainwave inspires insight, peak focus and expanded conscience

Although Alpha brainwave is the most relaxed and creative state it can still leave your irrational unconscious mind vulnerable to the power of suggestion.

This is why assessing different brainwaves is vital.

Step 2 - Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind With Each Of The 5 Core Habits For Automatic Life Success

Introducing Trypnosis - The Most Powerful Solution for Deep Sleep & Peak Mental Performance of Its Kind

Trypnosis is a pyramid structured audio technology utilising 3 of the very best techniques for Mind Transformation and Hypnosis that you will find.

Trypnosis puts all three into one single solution for helping you reach peak performance states of mind, boosting your well-being.

Giving you the most restful night of sleep you have ever had. Wake up to Peak Performance.


Subliminal Acoustic Hypnosis

Unique method of hypnosis recording written and performed by world class hypnotherapist John Vincent takes you deep and effortlessly reprograms your mind for optimum peak performance.

John trained directly under internationally renowned hypnotists Paul Mckenna & Richard Bandler

Trypnaural Isochronic Tones

Modern brainwave entrainment technology taking you from waking states of consciousness (beta brainwaves), all the way through to deep delta. BWE in the form of Isochronic tones are perfect for listening to as you drift asleep, because you don’t need headphones. 

World Class Meditation Music

World class meditation music by Niraj Naik (amAya) using his unique blend of therapeutic Trypnauralsounds. This special music enhances the power of hypnosis, helping you glide smoothly into a deep trance for the most blissful experience imaginable.


Fall into a deep sleep in minutes and have your mind hard-wired for automatic life success from the moment you wake up

Your unconscious mind is responsible for important functions such as your heart rate, your breathing and even your immune system, keeping you healthy and alive. It is literally the hard-disk of a super bio-computer.

And your unconscious mind needs a restart or defrag to clear the clutter, especially when you have been using it a lot and stressing it out

The Mind Restore Trypnosis Session

Just by listening to this 40 minute hypnosis session of Mind Restore, you will be able to fall into a deep sleep in minutes.

In addition the specially formulated hypnosis script works its magic while you drift off so that your unconscious mind will be hard-wired for automatic life success from the moment you wake up.

You know how horrible you feel, and how drained you feel the next day if you did not sleep well. Sleepless nights have become a pandemic in our busy fast paced world.

This is the reason why stress related illnesses like diabetes, obesity and heart disease have skyrocketed in recent years.

It's the same reason why top peak performance experts, pro athletes, and why the super rich... all say that getting good nights rest and sleep are essential for success and well-being.

Inside the Peak Power Rest Module You Will Get:

  • Mind Restore - 40 Minute Trypnosis (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Music) Audio that will help you fall into a deep sleep in minutes and have your mind hard-wired for automatic life success from the moment you wake up

Plus Peak Power Hacks:

  • Melatonin Maximiser & Brain Booster – Two recipes to supercharge your brain, improve your sleep, taste great and take just a few minutes to make!
  • Restorative Sleep – Special blueprint for forming healthy sleep routines with proven techniques to take control of your sleeping habits and learn to properly relax


This powerful Trypnosis session will rewire your unconscious mind for supreme self confidence in any situation.

When you were a child your confidence to try new things would have been far greater than it is right now. This is because children have still yet to develop their sense of fear.

Fear is ingrained into our unconscious mind from an early age by our parents, our friends and even our school teachers, telling us that we cannot do that, or we are not good enough, or it's too dangerous, or not ‘cool'.

Supreme Self Confidence Trypnosis Session

Fear is something that develops from our own personal failures throughout our life. This memory of failure can be hard-wired into our unconscious mind to the point it replays itself every time we are a faced with a challenge - often paralysing you from accomplishing the things you might otherwise want to do.

Sometimes this fear is rational and serves to protect you, like not playing with fire, but most of the time it's not and it just holds you back.

Thankfully we can wipe the unconscious tape recorder clean, and instead reprogram it for Supreme Self Confidence in any situation that is beneficial to you.

'Confidence Comes from Competence’ this is the Mantra We Sing

We have spent time with some of the world's best athletes, coaches, entrepreneurs, artists and they will all tell you that their extreme levels of self confidence comes from dedication and practice.

In this session we give you the mind tools and strategies to make implementing your creative ideas and becoming highly competent an effortless and enjoyable process.

The next step in creating your perfect life is to have self confidence in any situation. 

Inside the Peak Power Confidence Module You Will Get:

  • Supreme Self Confidence - 40 Minute Trypnosis (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Music) Audio that will rewire your unconscious mind for self confidence in any situation. It’s the next step in creating your perfect life

Plus Peak Power Hacks:

  • Self Image – If you ever focus on your negatives or put yourself down, this blueprint is about helping you see your true potential and project it out into the world
  • Calm Composure – Learn how to boost your self confidence in any situation: Talking to New People, Speaking on Stage, Closing Sales, Achieving Goals, Competing in Sports... any situation where you need a boost


Rewire your unconscious mind to start seeing the creative solutions to your ‘problems’ and the opportunities to create more abundance in your life.

Your brain operates at different brainwave states, and when you are stressed you are predominantly in a Beta State of high brainwave activity.

Trypnosis harmonises your brainwaves for whole brain thinking, taking you into deep Alpha States that are associated with creativity and inspiration.

The Infinite Creativity Trypnosis Session

What idea or ideas are YOU working on? Are you in need of inspiration?

Have you said you can't do this or that because you are not qualified? Or you are just unsure where to start?

Have you limited yourself by saying you're not intelligence enough, or don't know the right people?

Access deep creative states, opening your eyes to opportunity and solutions that were previously hidden from you.

Sir Richard Branson of Virgin dropped out of high school and started with a small idea of running a student magazine that turned into his BIG dream of Virgin.

Steve Jobs dropped out of University and focused on his small idea of changing the design of personal computers, that became his BIG dream of Apple, and went on to change the way we communicate, listen to music and consume information.

Our products include some of the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs and creative artists. Will you be a next level game-changing creative person?

Inside the Peak Power Creativity Module You Will Get:

  • Infinite Creativity - 40 Minute Trypnosis (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Music) Audio that will help rewire your unconscious mind to see creative solutions and opportunities to create abundance in your life

Plus Peak Power Hacks:

  • Image Streaming Tool – this is a proven method for permanently boosting your IQ! Increasing your power of visualisation and creativity
  • Red Light/Green Light Method – Powerful brainstorming method for accelerated creativity with the addition of Timelines for dynamic implementation


Supercharge your motivation so that you always take the inspired and efficient action you need to accomplish your goals with the least amount of effort

Life is always going to throw problems at you to deal with.

Sadly this is something that will never change, but hey, this applies to everyone, including the world's best peak performers - so you are no different.

What sets the successful apart from the rest is their ability to keep going no matter what life throws at them.

The Efficient Action Trypnosis Session

This ability to keep going under the harshest of circumstances is because they have strong habits and daily rituals for taking efficient action hard-wired into their unconscious mind. And we give you the tools you need to Take Efficient Action, to start making everyday a successful day

All you need to do is change the way you think. Using the components of Peak Power Hypnosis will program your unconscious mind for automatic life success

How Do You Have Efficient Action?

Efficient Action comes from having the foundations of good habits combined with clarity about where you want to go in life and a clear strategy for getting there.

This is often the part that is left out of so many ‘Law of Attraction Style’ programs, they miss out the whole step of actually taking action.

Connecting your dreams, your vision, your ambition with actual action to achieve what you want to achieve.

But Taking Action isn’t enough, you have to take Efficient Action. Every act is either efficient or inefficient and one of the fundamental keys to success is making sure the Action you are taking is Efficient Action

Inside the Peak Power Action Module You Will Get:

  • Efficient Action - 40 Minute Trypnosis (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Music) Audio to supercharge your motivation and inspire you to take the efficient action to accomplish your goals with the least amount of effort

Plus Peak Power Hacks:

  • The Pomodoro Technique For Getting Stuff Done! – This is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This technique uses specific timed work segments for optimum performance
  • The First Principle of The Science Of Getting Rich Hypnosis – This Bonus Full Hypnosis Session is for you if you believe that you do have the right to be rich and you KNOW that there are opportunities abound for you in life


Banish bad habits, break free of the chains holding you back and reprogram your mind for automatic life success

This powerful Trypnosis Session when used together with the Swish Pattern will help you remove any negative habits or beliefs by reprogramming your unconscious mind with more empowered habits and the beliefs that you really want.

This session will also reinforce the success habits from the previous components even deeper into your unconscious mind. Making them effortless, natural behaviours.

If you imagine your unconscious mind is like the hard disk of a computer with its own operating system and software. Habits are like programs that are written to perform actions on autopilot.

These habits can be good and empowering, but if you are under a lot of stress or around the wrong people and environments, bad habits can be formed that are more like viruses corrupting your unconscious hard drive, leading you to a life of failure, bad health, poverty and an almost robot like existence.

Empowered Habits Trypnosis Session

No amount of action taking will help you if behind it all you are unconsciously sabotaging all your own best efforts. If you are working against yourself and your bad habits are stopping you from getting the life you deserve.

If you have bad habits or limiting beliefs that hold you back you need to take control of your own behaviour or you will lose ground.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a set of communication skills and techniques that you can use to take control of your own internal programming and reprogram it for success.

And in this Component, John puts over 15 years of experience in this field to good use helping you banish your bad habits and embrace more positive habits for a compelling and profitable future.

The powerful Trypnosis Session in this module, when used together with the Swish Pattern, will help you create the success habits you desire.

Inside the Peak Power Habits Module You Will Get:

  • Empowered Habits - 40 Minute Trypnosis (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Music) Audio session to banish bad habits, break free of the chains holding you back and reprogram your mind for automatic life success

Plus Peak Power Hacks:

  • NLP ‘Swish Pattern’ video demonstration, video instruction and PDF blueprint - this will help you remove any limiting beliefs and bad habits, such as nail biting, smoking, binge eating...
  • Learn how habits are formed and hard-wired into your unconscious mind so you can learn how to upgrade your mind by rewriting your old habits for more empowering ones



Conscious Mind Primer :: 5 Powerful Trypnosis Sessions (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Technology)

Experience Deep Relaxation, Eliminate Stress and Wake up to Peak Power Performance in FIVE Core Areas of Your Life

Get Started Now for Just a One-Time Payment of Only $197 Just $47 Today

Get Started Now60 Day Money Back Guarantee

60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with our product, you can request a full refund and even keep the product, thats how confident we are that you will fall in love with it. Remember, you have nothing to lose, there is no risk involved, only massive life changing benefits to gain..

"In all my time working with people and helping them make personal breakthroughs I had never seen anything work as fast as what John can

“My name is Niraj Naik creator of Trypnaural meditation music (which is now used by spas, therapists and healing centres around the world) and co-creator of one of the worlds most powerful meditation and personal growth systems of its kind.

After escaping the cubicle as an employee and enjoying an Abundance of Time-Freedom. I have helped many others do similar things too, giving them an effective strategy for growth, because I was once there myself.

What I discovered was that what most people are looking for is a Simple, Fast and Effective Step-by-Step Approach for Personal Growth and becoming the very best they can be.

I wanted to go even deeper and produce something with even more POWER. After a series of synchronistic coincidences I met my good friend and fellow agent of change, John Vincent.

John even managed to erase my nail biting habit that I have had for over 35 years! Not a single person or other method has been able to help me break that habit.

What John did it in just 5 minutes has completely erased my bad habit! And this special method is just one of the many tools you will find inside this course.”

3x Powerful Mental Recharges for Peace, Prosperity & Happiness. Taking Time for You Just Got Easier

Power napping is the secret used by some of the worlds most successful people. The idea of 'power napping' has been around for centuries, it's reputed to have been used by the likes of Salvador Dali, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Edison, Da Vinci, Einstein and many more. Great inventors, artists, thinkers and go getters!

When you add the power of Brainwave Entrainment Technology to guides you into an even deeper Relaxing State, accessing Meditative Theta States rapidly to maximise your PowerNap.

And then add a Focus to your PowerNap, with John Vincent's unique rapid hypnotic sessions and you have 11 minutes of supercharging bliss! Adding a powerful hypnotic boost of relaxation and focused motivation to your day.

Listen to these 4x PowerNaps anytime, anywhere for an 11 minute mental recharge during your day. Taking time for you just got even easier. Relax and supercharge your day with PowerNapping.

Remember, repetition is key... You don't just go to the gym once and the same is true for your personal development. Add a powerful hypnotic boost of to your day with four key areas to choose from, each one building upon the last.


As an extra bonus we have given you three special Trypnosis sessions called Peak Power Naps. These are designed to give you an 11 minute mental recharge during the day whenever you feel your energy is dipping. Power naps are used by the worlds most successful people.

The idea of "power nap" has been around for centuries in Spain and Latin America. In Spain the "power nap" is known as "Siesta del Hidalgo" ("The Gentleman's nap"). Famous people who swear by Peak Power Naps include, Einstein, Salvador Dali, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Edison and many more.

Peak Power Naps

1 Progressive Relaxation

Let the stresses of everyday life melt away… Boost your health, increase your memory and concentration and leave the stresses of the day behind.

2 Clarity & Focus

Pull your mind into focus. Direct your energy and efforts on success. Gain a deeper level of Clarity on what you want and harness your passion to succeed.

3 Abundance Mentality

Bring the power of an Abundant Mentality into your life and focus your attention on success. Unleash the attitude of the advancing man.


Conscious Mind Primer :: 5 Powerful Trypnosis Sessions (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Technology) :: 3 Peak Power Naps :: 9 Peak Power Hacks :: Plus Bonus Meditations & Hypnosis Sessions

Experience Deep Relaxation, Eliminate Stress and Wake up to Peak Power Performance in FIVE Core Areas of Your Life

Get Started Now for Just a One-Time Payment of Only $197 Just $47 Today

Get Started Now60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Unbelievable Amounts Of Life-Transforming Content!

Conscious Mind Primer (22 Mins Length)

This session is designed to talk to both your conscious and unconscious mind and install ideas that will be activated during each Trypnosis session. (worth $47)

5 Powerful Trypnosis Sessions (40 Mins Length)

These are the core elements of the Peak Power Hypnosis program. The Five Trypnosis sessions... Driven By Unique Pyramid Structured Audio Technology (worth $27 each)

+Mind Restore
+Supreme Self Confidence
+Infinite Creativity
+Efficient Action
+Empowered Habits

Total Value $135

Peak Power Naps (worth $17 each)

+Abundance Mentality
+Clarity & Focus
+Progressive Relaxation

Total Value $51

Peak Power Hacks

+Brain Booster Performance Drink
+Melitonin Maximizer Smoothie
+Sleep & Rest For Peak Performance
+Red Light Green Light Method

+Self Image Blueprint
+Calm Composure

+Image Streaming
+Pomodoro Technique
NLP Swish Pattern Video & Blueprint

Total Value $117

Just to have one habit change like the nail biting example would normally be a $1,000 one-on-one session fee with John. And you get this and so many other equally powerful peak performance hacks.

As you can see, the total real-world value of what you are about to receive in this program is worth $1,521. But we are not going to charge you anywhere near this amount as we want to create as many new success stories as possible.

Although we could easily charge $997 for all this life transforming content we decided in order to reach more people in these tough financial times, we would only charge $47

Get Started Now for Just a One-Time Payment of Only $197 Just $47 Today

Get Started Now60 Day Money Back Guarantee

“When I listen to the trypnosis session it feels like I’m flying it is simply wonderful and I almost can not do without it… thanks once again”

Elsa Ellisson

"Ummmm. WOW! Deep was an understatement."

Jole Echel

“You are amazing John - it's like having an out of body experience and so relaxing x”

Suz De Jonge 

I have been listening to Peak Power Hypnosis and the Science of getting Rich Hypnosis and you have inspired me more than I have ever imagined.

Michael Smith

“This stuff works!!!! Thank you very much.”

Matt Bogadan

“Your meditations have shifted my life into a whole new level of being! Grateful!:)"

Crystal Davis, Life, Business & Dream Builder Coach

Now You have the chance to Take Control of Your Life and use REAL hypnosis technology and information that 1000′s of users have transformed their lives with

Together We Have Over 35 Years Combined Industry Experience

Niraj Naik

Trained pharmacist and professional musician who fell in love with brainwave entrainment, meditation music and hypnosis after using these tools to recover from a chronic illness without medication.

His products and services have helped 1000s of others around the world.

He is a pioneer of Trypnaural a unique method of entrainment that many respected therapists consider to be their first choice for use with their clients.

John Vincent

SNLP. MPNLP. Licensed NLP Master Practitioner, Licensed Trainer of NLP, Master Hypnotist

John learned NLP directly from the co-creator of NLP, Dr Richard Bandler, as well as other big names in the world of NLP such as Paul McKenna and Michael Breen.

For 15 years John has been part of the London Society of NLP assisting team, assisting tens of thousands of people to learn NLP at over 30 NLP training events with co-creator of NLP Dr Richard Bandler, John & Kathleen LaValle, Paul Mckenna PhD, super coach Michael Neil


How Do The Hypnosis Sessions Work?

The special 40 minute audio sessions are a combination of an expertly crafted hypnosis script laced over soothing Trypnaural meditation music that is embedded with a deep delta isochronic tones session.

Experience Many Benefits That Last After Just One Session

The expertly crafted hypnosis script is designed to not only help you have the deepest sleep you have ever experienced, but it literally rewires your subconscious mind to boost your immune system and tune your mind for peak mental performance when you wake up the very next day.

How Do I Get The Most Benefit From Peak Power Hypnosis?

To gain the full benefit of the Peak Power Hypnosis products it is recommend that you listen to it through stereo head phones (headphones not essential), making sure that you are lying or sitting comfortably in a safe environment. The best time to use these sessions are at night before you want to go to sleep.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Peak Power Hypnosis?

There are no known side effects to Peak Power Hypnosis and its special Trypnosis system. If for any reason you need to awaken during this process you will do so with a clarity of mind to attend the situation.


Conscious Mind Primer :: 5 Powerful Trypnosis Sessions (Hypnosis & Trypnaural Technology) :: 3 Peak Power Naps :: 9 Peak Power Hacks :: Plus Bonus Meditations & Hypnosis Sessions

Experience Deep Relaxation, Eliminate Stress and Wake up to Peak Power Performance in FIVE Core Areas of Your Life

Get Started Now for Just a One-Time Payment of Only $197 Just $47 Today

Get Started Now60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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