Do you ever give yourself a hard time? Are you overly critical of yourself? Do you replay arguments over and over again in your mind?
Thinking in this way is not productive, it’s not empowering and it makes you feel bad…
And in this short video I will show you how to stop it. So stop being so hard on yourself.
Gain control over the negative back chat you are giving yourself. This is a great technique for those of you who struggle to turn off the internal chatter or quieten your mind for meditation.
The thoughts you have ultimately create the feelings you feel so if you can gain control over your thinking and make it more positive you will also gain control over your feelings and create feelings that motivate and empower you.
With this technique you can gain more control over your thinking and let go of the things that are currently holding you back.
For even more powerful changes and to free yourself of limiting behaviours and emotional baggage you can find out about my private online NLP sessions. Working one-to-one to break the chains holding you back.
Find Out More About NLP Skype Sessions Working One-to-One with me
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*The NLP Techniques in this video series are the creation of Dr Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP) and used with his permission.
May 14, 2015Glad you liked it 🙂
May 14, 2015Hi John thank you…. this is a good light hearted way of getting rid of those inner critics/amusing
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